Monday, July 30, 2012


Ugh.  Lost my camera charger and have no supplies for cooking or crafting, thus the *chirping crickets* on the blog for three months.

On the upside, an empty house means more time to enjoy this beautiful island :)

Last I posted, we were headed to Japan, but that all went to hell in a handbasket.  Long story short we're in Hawaii instead.  Not too shabby for a second choice.

I have several projects in the works, on their way, and a birthday party for my youngest this weekend, so I hope to give you more to look at soon, even if it is from a camera phone.  Sigh.

I recently learned to paddleboard, or paddle surf, on a SUP (stand-up paddleboard).  It's an ancient Hawaiian pastime, and I love it for many reasons.  It's quiet out on the water.  I like being out in the middle of the ocean completely under my own power.  I get to wear a cute swimshirt so I don't burn to a crisp.  And it's enjoyable even if you're terrible at it, unlike skimboarding or waterskiing, both of which I tried exactly once.  You just swim out there and scramble up on the board.  Boom, fun.  I can even strap a PFD on a kid and balance her on the front of it.

What I'm most excited about is actually being able to see every square inch of this island in the next three years.  It seems doable.  I can systematically scratch things off the list.  It won't be nearly as overwhelming as Europe, and the weather is WAAAAY better.  So far we've been to a new beach every weekend.  Some are quiet and deserted.  Some are crowded and touristy.  Some are rocky and dangerous.  Some are shallow and kid-friendly.  They're all beautiful.  We're saving the hiking and camping for the "winter" when the water will be five degrees colder and the surf will be higher.

We joined a gym and a playgroup and enrolled Audrey in ballet, so we're getting settled :)  Our goods arrive next week so in a month or so we should be feeling right at home.

We do have some plans to leave the island but I'm really not even looking forward to it.  Nothing beats Hawaii.  I'll change my mind, I'm sure.  I've only been here two months and I'm not excited about putting three kids on a plane again, ever.  We can't stay forever, but I'm sure as heck enjoying it while we're here.

Aloha and Mahalo

- Jackie

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